I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed;
At first there blows a gentle breeze
And the leaves on the trees
Softly flutter or sway;
Out there, far away,
The bells of water carriers incessantly ring;
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed;
Then suddenly birds fly by,
Flocks of birds, high up, in a hue and cry
While nets are drawn in the fishing grounds
And a woman's feet begin to dabble in the water.
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
The Grand Bazaar is serene and cool,
A hubbub at the hub of the market,
Mosque yards are brimful of pigeons,
At the docks while hammers bang and clang
Spring winds bear the smell of sweat;
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed;
Still giddy since bygone bacchanals,
A seaside mansion with dingy boathouses is fast asleep,
Amid the din and drone of southern winds, reposed,
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
Now a dainty girl walks by on the sidewalk:
Cusswords, tunes and songs, malapert remarks;
Something falls on the ground out of her hand,
It's a rose I guess.
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed;
A bird flutters round your skirt;I know your brow is moist with sweat
And your lips are wet.
A silver moon rises beyond the pine trees:
I can sense it all in your heart's throbbing.
I am listening to Istanbul, intent, my eyes closed.
- Orhan Veli Kanik
(Translated by Talat Sait Halman (1982))
(2) The poem in Turkish:
Istanbul'u dinliyorum, gozlerim kapali
Once hafiften bir ruzgar esiyor;
Yavas yavas sallaniyor
Yapraklar, agaclarda;
Uzaklarda, cok uzaklarda,
Sucularin hic durmayan cingiraklari
Istanbul'u dinliyorum, gozlerim kapali.
Istanbul'u dinliyorum, gozlerim kapali;
Kuslar geciyor, derken;
Yukseklerden, suru suru, ciglik ciglik.
Aglar cekiliyor dalyanlarda;
Bir kadinin suya degiyor ayaklari;
Istanbul'u dinliyorum, gozlerim kapali.
Istanbul'u dinliyorum, gozlerim kapali;
Serin serin Kapalicarsi
Civil civil Mahmutpasa
Guvercin dolu avlular
Cekic sesleri geliyor doklardan
Guzelim bahar ruzgarinda ter kokulari;
Istanbul'u dinliyorum, gozlerim kapali.
Istanbul'u dinliyorum, gozlerim kapali;
Basimda eski alemlerin sarhoslugu
Los kayikhaneleriyle bir yali;
Dinmis lodoslarin ugultusu icinde
Istanbul'u dinliyorum, gozlerim kapali.
Istanbul'u dinliyorum, gozlerim kapali;
Bir yosma geciyor kaldirimdan;
Kufurler, sarkilar, turkuler, laf atmalar.
Birsey dusuyor elinden yere;
Bir gul olmali;
Istanbul'u dinliyorum, gozlerim kapali.
Istanbul'u dinliyorum, gozlerim kapali;
Bir kus cirpiniyor eteklerinde;
Alnin sicak mi, degil mi, biliyorum;
Dudaklarin islak mi, degil mi, biliyorum;
Beyaz bir ay doguyor fistiklarin arkasindan
Kalbinin vurusundan anliyorum;
Istanbul'u dinliyorum.
-Orhan Veli Kanik
Nice pictures. I'm hoping the poem is better in the original than it is in translation. (I mean really - "Cusswords, tunes and songs, malapert remarks" - shudder!)
Have you read a book called Bellini in Istanbul by Lillias Bever, btw? It's fairly decent. Think you might relate.
For some reason I haven't been frequenting this place recently. I've been missing out I see. Just beautiful.
Just a question, Is the city totally overrun with tourists due to the summer high season?
Falstaff: Thank you. And unfortunately, yes, the translation leaves scope for improvement(my Turkish is still terribly limited, but I can make out of enough of the original to say that)....but it was the only one I could find.
Bellini in Istanbul - shall try to find it.
renovatio: Tesekkur.
cubano: Lots of tourists around Sultanahmet...but I would think thats always the case....other than that not many....
falstaff>> I assure you that the poem in original language sounds much better and much more content... Orhan Veli is a poet of melancholy and he is also one of the prominent figures in modern Turkish poetry.
szerelam>> did't you go to Uskudar yet? or the Rumeli Hisari? or the Bosphorus University?
Take care,
I did!! (I'm not in Istanbul anymore - I already miss it so much). But yes, I went to Uskudar and walked (!) from there to Kadikoy....also I was staying at Emirgan so I passed the Rumeli Hisari everyday :)
But I didn't go inside Bogazici University.
Merhaba :) a google-n találtam rá a blogodra, mikor az Istanbul'u dinliyorum angol fordítását kerestem és a Te oldalad volt az első találat. Én is nagyon szeretem Isztambult és hiányzik... Jó a fordításod, harika olmus :-)
Üdv egy másik törökország-szerelmestől
Katalin: Sorry, I didn't understand that...:(
Except harike olmus :)
Oh sorry, I thought you are Hungarian and I wrote you in Hungarian, because of the title of your blog! Sorry for the confusion :)
I just wrote, this poem is wonderful and thanks for posting, I was looking for the English translation and google gave your blog as a result. :)
you're most welcome :)
It is a lovely poem... wish the translation was better.
Great Post
Great Pics
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