My favourite book cover of the year – Nadeem Aslam’s Maps for Lost Lovers.
I know, it’s a bit clichéd but I really love it. (I remember reading in the introduction that Aslam had to ask for permission from some acquaintance to use this picture). The book is very nice too.
In the history category I really liked the cover of Mark Mazower’s brilliant The Dark Continent: Europe’s Twentieth Century. Mazower is a brilliant historian and I have been so impressed by every book of his that I have read. Dark Continent is an excellent (and slightly revisionist) history of the Europe since after WWI.

Previous post on book covers here. The only reason Other Colours didn’t make an appearance here is because I didn’t buy the Faber version. I think they usually do wonderful covers. Knopf’s aren’t bad either.
Anyway, so, what are your favourite book covers of the year?
Really love the "Age of Kali" - Dalrymple - cover.. beautiful photograph on it. I liked "My name is Red" too - the miniature painting.
Oh and the cover of this wharton report on India - cliched report, but awesome cover.
hmm. murakami's "After Dark" is nice too. Anything by Chipp Kidd (he did Cormac Mccarthy's latest book amongst others); he's an awesome designer..
Oh, I was going to say the "My Name is Red" cover. But then I absolutely love Persian style miniatures.
You know Szerelem, I think you've really made up my mind for me. I really, really want to see Istanbul. Hopefully next year.
TAP: Hmmm the "Age of Kali" version I read had an interesting cover but nothing great as such. I actually liked the Wharton report cover.
T_M: Oh, you must absolutely go to Istanbul! And I know you will love it.
Also, I get very happy when all Turkish enthusiasm affects people :D
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